Dirga Adhi Putra Singkaru
President Oceanpure Solutions Jakarta
known as Dirga, is a young and ambitious founder of AquaNest Archipelago, a company successfully operating in the marine and coral industry. In 2012, he started his small hobbies in marine aquaristics at home, and Dirga immediately fell in love with the industry. Dirga then completed a diving course to obtain a licence to enjoy the nature of the sea even more intensively. Over the course of a few months, Dirga developed a deep understanding of how to manage the ocean sustainably and conservatively, especially for coral reefs.
He began to expand his hobbies further by entering the industry as chairman of AKKII (Asosiasi Karang Koral dan Ikan Hias Indonesia - Association of Coral and Ornamental Fish Industry of Indonesia). Turning his ideas into reality, Dirga heads one of the Indonesian government's largest ocean projects known as ICRG (Indonesia Coral Reef Garden). The main aim of the programme is to raise awareness of a sustainable method of coral harvesting without damaging the marine ecosystem.
Prior to assuming the role as Chair of the ACCII in 2022, Dirga was the keynote speaker on coral conservation for coastal livelihoods at Ocean-20, part of the G-20 event in Bali, Indonesia. Previously, Dirga attended the Thirty-Second Meeting of the Animals Committee (AC-32) in Geneva, Switzerland, in 2023 as the Indonesian delegate.
Currently, Dirga is aiming to continue his next focus in line with his passions and dreams in the coral reef industry. Dirga wants to focus more on topics related to climate change, as it always has a close connection to the industry. In particular, it is about how we can achieve the Sustainable Development Goals at the same time. Under these conditions, carbon capture and storage technologies play an important role. It is also about how we can implement these in the marine and maritime industry.